Solar Oysters is not currently a seller of oysters for market. We are selling the SOPS units.
how many oysters from seed or from spat-on-shell can be grown on sops?
It is estimated that 200,000 oysters from seed can be grown on the smaller SOPS. A larger design, 90 x 60 feet, would grow over 2,000,000 oysters. We grew 400,000 spat on shells in 2022 and 2023, using about a third of SOPS capacity (SOPS capacity: 575 baskets, grew SOS in roughly 192 baskets). SOS grown depends to a large degree on the density of spat that are set on each shell.
what oyster species is sops growing?
SOPS is currently growing the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica. This is the species native to the eastern seaboard.
can sops be used to grow other shellfish?
There is potential for other cultured animals to be grown on SOPS such as other species of oyster, clams, mussels, urchins, etc.
How is SOPS permitted/licensed? how has it been received by regulatory agencies?
For the SOPS prototype located in Baltimore Harbor, a Tidal Wetlands License from the Maryland Department of Environment was obtained. Generally, the guidance from regulatory agencies in Maryland is that a Tidal Wetlands License is necessary if SOPS is used for restoration; if used for raising oysters for market consumption in Maryland, a lease from the Department of Natural Resources is needed in lieu of a Tidal Wetlands License. Permitting/licensing requirements vary by state. Generally, state environmental or natural resource agencies will be the regulatory authority for allowing access to “waters of the state.”
If an order is placed to build a SOPS, how long would it take to build and deliver? Do you offer any service for the platform’s operation?
A small SOPS, based on an individual order, could be built and delivered within 6 months of an order being placed. If production is started, this would likely be a shorter period. We can assist in initial startup and operation or for long term support enter into a service contract.
Can you grow oysters from seed for consumption/market and spat-on-shell on the same SOPS?
Yes, the regulatory agencies have indicated that this would be allowed with the necessary operating protocols in place.
The SOPS prototype is at 20 feet of water depth. Can it be adjusted to operate in shallower water by having fewer cages if my lease is in shallow water?
A SOPS with fewer baskets could be built however fewer baskets means fewer oysters grown. Considerations in siting should be considered to ensure adequate flow for the oysters as deeper water generally provides increased food availability.
can a grower choose the rotation frequency of the ladder systems?
Yes, the ladder rotation frequency can be programmed to the needs of the grower. It also has a "manual" feature, where ladders can be rotated on command.
Can oysters grown on SOPS be used to generate nutrient credits?
Yes. Nutrient credits can be generated as an additional source of revenue. The ability to generate and trade nutrient credits depends on applicable regulatory programs to facilitate trading and the availability of market demand in the area oysters are being grown.
Is Solar Oysters available to assist in SOPS operations & maintenance?
Solar Oysters can provide this type of assistance. In the initial set-up we can assist in making SOPS operational. Long-term assistance would be available under a service contract.
What benefits have you experienced from rotating the baskets?
Rotating the baskets has provided better biofouling control, uniform shell shape due to tumbling, reduced mortality due to more regular exposure to sunlight, and uniform exposure to dissolved oxygen, salinity, and water temperatures throughout the water column.
If you another question, contact us at [email protected]!